No New Episode Tonight...

Shredder 12-24-2005 07:33 PM
I checked the CN schedule and it looks like the usual Saturday schedule is replaced with other shows tonight. Frown Anyway, enjoy your Christmas Eve and check back in two weeks for a new discussion thread (since next Saturday's schedule will probably also be changed due to New Year's Eve).
Hobodoken 12-24-2005 09:20 PM
*grumble grumble*
Jorja 12-29-2005 04:53 PM
SC is going to be shown on a new day at a new time. Beginning on Jan. 4th, 2006, a new episode will be shown every Wednesday night at 12:30 AM.

GAH! This is horrible! Now I can't watch it because it's on a school night!!! Hopefully they'll show the episode again on Sat or something...
Raven 01-04-2006 11:36 PM
Grr... This isn't new, it's just what they had on a few Saturdays ago.