Road to Nagasaki
- Final Episode Discussion: "Evanescent Encounter, Part 3" (Shredder)
- Feelings after Ep. 26 (R. Daniel Olk 01)
- Episode 11 Discussion: "Gamblers and Gallantry" (Shredder)
- Mugen or Jin? (Instro)
- Samurai Champloo is back! (Sephiroth)
- Watanabe Interview Audio Online (R.Smith)
- Samurai Champloo Action Figures (Mr. Peabody)
- Samurai Champloo Box Set (R.Smith)
- What next? (Jstar136)
- Episode 25 Discussion: "Evanescent Encounter, Part 2" (Shredder)
- Episode 24 Discussion: "Evanescent Encounter, Part 1" (Shredder)
- Episode 23 Discussion: "Baseball Blues" (Shredder)
- Episode 22 Discussion: "The Cosmic Collisions" (Shredder)
- Episode 21 Discussion: "Elegy of Entrapment, Verse 2" (Shredder)
- Episode 20 Discussion: "Elegy of Entrapment, Verse 1" (Shredder)
- Episode 19: "Unholy Union" (Shredder)
- 11:30c/12:30e- Episode 18 Discussion: "War of the Words" (Shredder)
- No Champloo on Saturday?!?! (Instro)
- Episode 17 Discussion: "Lullabies of the Lost, Verse 2" (Shredder)
- No New Episode Tonight... (Shredder)
- Episode 16 Discussion: "Lullabies of the Lost, Verse 1" (Shredder)
- Episode 15 Discussion: "Bogus Booty" (Shredder)
- Episode 14 Discussion: "Misguided Miscreants, Part 2" (Shredder)
- New Episode-Episode 13 Discussion: Misguided Miscreants (Part 1) (Shredder)
- samurai champloo (gotenss)
- ADVANCED WARNING: New Samurai Champloo starts this week! (Green_Bird)
- Samurai Champloo Now Available On Demand (Asirt)
- Who hates hip-hop, yet likes the music in SC? (IanC)
- :: Vote For Samurai Champloo! :: (Nine Kuze)
- Samarai Champloo Manga Disscussion (Green_Bird)
- Episode 12 Discussion: "Disorder Diaries" (Krang)
- Guide to Samurai Champloo sim 2 skins! (Negotiator_Roger_Smith)
- Episode 10 Discussion: "Lethal Lunacy" (Shredder)
- Samurai Champloo Merchandise (R.Smith)
- Samurai Champloo fanart (R.Smith)
- Episode 8: "Art of Altercation" (Shredder)
- Episode 9 Discussion: "Beatbox Bandits" (Shredder)
- Episode 7 Discussion: "A Risky Racket" (Shredder)
- Episode 1 Discussion: "Tempestuous Temperaments" (Shredder)
- Episode 6 Discussion: "Stranger Searching" (Krang)
- Episode 5 Discussion: "Artistic Anarchy" (Shredder)
- samurai champloo funny pics. (Gato Gurl914)
- Episode 4 Discussion: "Hellhounds for Hire, Part 2" (Shredder)
- Samurai Champloo DVD Discussion Thread (The Baker St. Irregular)
- Episode 3 Discussion: "Hellhounds for Hire, Part 1" (Shredder)
- Episode 2 Discussion: "Redeye Reprisal" (Shredder)
- Geneon Releases Anime(Samurai Champloo) on PSP (R.Smith)
- SC pic request thread (Gato Gurl914)
- Irasshai! (Welcome!) (Krang)