- Worst/Most Boring Book You've Ever Read (Bismarck)
- What are you currently reading? (Travis Bickle)
- Book Recommendation (dorothyrocks)
- The Ultimate Harry Potter Thread (pen1300)
- The Dungeon Master's Public Domain Book of the Week (Inigo Montoya)
- Poetic Quotes (dawnstrider)
- Fables (FatFrank)
- Buffy Season 8 discussion thread (DorothyFan1)
- Dark Fenrir X: Ace of Spades' first step into Webcomics (Ace of Spades)
- The Picture of Dorian Gray (d-d-d-dumbass)
- Feed book (Larry99)
- Marvel's Civil War (Generalissimo D)
- Essays and Creativity (Shew)
- Reaction to reading. (Yomiko)
- Book Quotes (Yomiko)
- The Comic Book Topic (Jonny Axehandle)
- Dictionaries and acid-free paper (DorothyFan1)
- King James Version Bible editions better than Catholic versions. Why? (DorothyFan1)
- What's your reading speed? (RoseRose)
- A Short Story (Chitter-Box-Kat)
- Bob and George... Mysteriously Missing (Randolph)
- The Man Who Lived In Leeds (Chitter-Box-Kat)
- Are you a reader? (Patsai)
- great book(s); ABARAT, and others! (Yomiko)
- Umberto Eco (paul1290)
- Most Ironic Shakespeare Play? (Raphaela)
- Help Save Spidey & MJ! (Mr. Peabody)
- Favorite Characters (Collateral)
- Favorite/First Childhood Book (Captain Maw)
- Post Your Literary Collections (Avenir)
- Killer 7 comics!!!! (paul1290)
- New Frank Miller comics on the way (DorothyFan1)
- Webcomics (Brock)
- Comic Industry Going Mad? (somewhat graphic) (R.Smith)
- Catch-22 (The Ghost of Ember)
- Animal Farm (corrupt)
- Big O-esque comic book (Schoolie)
- Spike Milligan (corrupt)
- eccentric/shocking/gory books (Blue Crow)
- Lois McMaster Bujold (Pygmalion)
- The Book of the Beatles (Nine Kuze)
- The Bible Topic (Jonny Axehandle)
- Devil May Cry: The Comics (Ace of Spades)
- Anyone write a literary analysis lately (or at all)? (anjuta)
- The Picture of Dorian Gray (harshfire)
- Books that have shaped aspects of yourself (dawnstrider)
- Blink: The Power Of Thinking Without Thinking. (pen1300)
- Sonic the Hedgehog: Issue #151 (Tetsu Deinonychus Mach-2)
- Paula Danzinger (Tetsu Deinonychus Mach-2)
- A Book for Steam Fans (Pygmalion)