- What are you playing right now? (Nine Kuze)
- The Video Game Reviews Thread (Volt)
- Game Help (dawnstrider)
- The Official Video Game News Thread (Patsai)
- Paradigm City Clan Version 3.0 (Demosthenes)
- Resident Evil: Outbreak (dtk91)
- Smash Bros. Dojo Update (The Baker St. Irregular)
- Best 2-d fighters available these days (Lupin IV)
- video game endings that made you shed tears (seraphjei)
- Hitman trailer now available. (Sharpshooter005)
- Manhunt 2 banned in the UK (The Question)
- :: Nominations For 2006's Best Video Game :: (Nine Kuze)
- Pokemon (Wazpy)
- The best news ever (Volt)
- Fallout 3 teaser (Sharpshooter005)
- Project Chaos and OCRemix (NVWC2006)
- Recent Gaming Purchases (Avenir)
- Blizzard Announces... Starcraft 2!! (R.Smith)
- Angry Video Game Nerd (FatFrank)
- Let's talk PC Games... (Jonny Axehandle)
- Ken Kutaragi Steps Down From His Position At Sony (R.Smith)
- Ffxi (re-animate)
- Brahma Force Music, HELP! (TheSilence)
- Sonic Rush Adventure (Jonny Axehandle)
- Devil My Cry 3 (d-d-d-dumbass)
- dot//hack.GU vol1: Rebirth (d-d-d-dumbass)
- Wii Friend Codes (Mr. Saturn)
- Ac4 (Larry99)
- Elite Beat Agents (Patsai)
- Phoenix Wright Objection Maker (The Baker St. Irregular)
- Death Note on the DS (The Baker St. Irregular)
- Wii question (Patsai)
- What's better? (Heavy Metal Instro)
- Wii News Channel now Available (NVWC2006)
- MGS vs. Splinter Cell: What a reality (Patsai)
- Final Fantasy X Video (dominusofdeath)
- Hellgate:London (Generalissimo D)
- Super Smash Brothers: Brawl announced. NOW WITH: Video (Hobodoken)
- hi; anybody her have psp?! (sarraf)
- Naruto: Saikyou Ninja Daikesshu 4 (Naraku)
- Streets of Rage Remake (Asirt)
- Columbine Game (dominusofdeath)
- sVc Chaos: SNK Vs Capcom (Kittie heavenly6)
- Ok it does that. and now it does this too. and more! (NVWC2006)
- Sanford and Son vs. Kingdom Hearts (Mr. Saturn)
- Zelda fanfic maybe? (Mike)
- Buying empty cases (Patsai)
- Red Steel opinion poll. (paul1290)
- Old Computer Games (R.Smith)
- Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (R.Smith)