- The Forum Is Not A Chat Room (Kittie heavenly6)
- How to Post on a Forum (Travis Bickle)
- Introduction Thread Open -Time Period Limit (R.Smith)
- Orientation (dawnstrider)
- Visual Rule Guide (dawnstrider)
- The Official Paradigm-City Survival Guide (Orient. - Sec 2) (The Fallen Phoenix)
- i am (sessthon)
- Fear of Music (Revolver)
- Iiiii Akcja! (Lord Ender von Hellsing)
- you can relax.... (d-d-d-dumbass)
- He's back (Valdoom)
- Belated Greetings (Umbrella)
- hey (Nego-man)
- Action! (Shadow)
- I R Return (Ozymandius Jones)
- I say magnets. (Alana Gabriel)
- It's Showtime. (radius2)
- Heavy Metal Instro (Heavy Metal Instro)
- I Am (Kairi)
- Whoa, it's me. AGAIN. (Brock)
- Larry99 (Larry99)
- Greetings all (Shadow776)
- Hi, I'm FlashBoy. (FlashBoy)
- Konichiwa! (The Shrouded Alchemist)
- I'm finally back, and still in black (Shady Dark Lady)
- Hideo (Shew)
- Howdy (ZeroKirbyX)
- test (Nine Kuze)
- yeah....it's me (Dharma_Infinity)
- I'm Here!!! (Valdoom)
- Allow Me to Introduce Myself (Greed)
- Aw yeah. (Deadpool)
- So... (Hollow XXVI)
- Dominus of Big Boom (Dominus_of_Big_Boom)
- Yet Another Introduction! (SpookyElectric)
- hello (wehavecometoterms)
- Hi (Nego-man)
- hello (Dominus of Requiem)
- Guess who's back? (Gato Gurl914)
- Hello :P (Mastershake)
- hello. the names alexis. (Lexx)
- *waves* (Nazrael)
- hello the public. (minespatch)
- Yiiii!!! (Seihou)
- Yee-hoo! Hi there! (ArmageddonRose)
- Hello! (Arei)
- Hello there. (Tsukaggin)
- Hi (Demondeathkitty)
- Hello Peoples~ (Deus Redux)
- Wow... (Mr. ?)
- hello everyone (The Question)